Pretty recently I wrote about “Why Early Stage Startups Are Not Leveraging The Benefits Of Crowdfunding In India?” That is one important question we need to find the answer for but until then why not learn the basics of crowdfunding. In the previous article, I emphasized upon why and how crowdfunding is something that can save you from your biggest fears and regrets. Here, we shall first educate ourselves what crowdfunding actually mean for us and how it works with the help of the people in the community.
Here are 10 crowdfunding principles you do not want to miss.
1. “Approaching your target audience from various sources and angels ensures high deliverability and engagement.” – Narek Vardanyan of The Crowdfunding Formula

2. “Exceptional media coverage not only gains you not only early-stage adopters but it also validates your products.” – Michael Raven of Blazen PR

3. “Stewardship at its best engages donors with the impact and outcomes of their investments of time, wisdom, expertise, connections, and money. “ – Karen Osborne

4. “Convey the magic of your project and why you are determined to deliver what you have promised.” – Nikolaj Hviid of Bragi

5. “It always seems impossible, until it’s done. “ – Nelson Mandela.

6. “There are two ‘i’s’ in Fundraising – they should stand for inspiration and innovation, not imitation and irritation.” – Ken Burnett

7. “The essential difference between emotion and reason is that emotion leads to action while reason leads to conclusions.” – Donald Calne

8. “Everyone wants charities to spend as little as possible on overhead. That’s backwards. Overhead is what drives growth. If charities can’t grow, they can’t solve problems. So overhead is a good thing. And I’m overhead.” – Dan Pallotta

9. “Retention is the new acquisition. Customer service is the new marketing.” – Joe Connelly

10. “We don’t work in the non-profit sector. We work in the for-change sector!” – Unknown

Also read: 15 Profound Quotes Elucidating The Essence Of Crowdfunding
Main Image: ©motionarray/Canva
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